Saturday, 26 March 2011

Photos of The Garden

Here are some photos to show what the care home's garden looks like at the moment. These photos were taken in December which is why there is snow!

View of the garden

Raised flower bed

Seating area
As you can see, there isn't much to the garden at all. Our plan is to include an area for vegetables/fruit and to build two new raised flower beds. There will also an improvement made to the seating areas so that residents will be able to make the most of the garden during the summer. 

Please look out for new blog entries as we will be working on the garden itself in the next few weeks. 



Last night we held another successful fundraising event at our school's musical production. In total our tombola raised a superb £95.70 which takes our overall budget to a fantastic £911.37.

We would like to thank all residents of Stanton Rd and the Langfield estate who donated prizes for the tombola. In addition we would like to thank everyone who had a go on our stall last night- we couldn't have done it without you!

Furthermore, this weekend we began buying plants, pots etc. for the garden in the hope that we will start gardening next Saturday.

- Immy and Nancy